Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Apple iPhones & iTV

Been hanging out at and am thrilled to learn about a couple new things...both coming from the focus of my next stock investment: Apple. Thanks Steve Jobs.

They report that Apple has mentioned an upcoing iTV box that'll connect to a television and wirelessly receive digital movies from your computer via WiFi. The $299 iTV will go on sale early next year. Is this something that I need? I don't know yet. I didn't realize I needed a cell phone until I got one. I didn't realize I needed TiVo until I got a box. I didn't realize I needed Jesus until...that's another blog for another day.

But my favorite news, and if my family actually did Christmas GOS (gifts of substance), this would be on my wish list. There are rumors (perfect for us snarky web geeks) of an "iPhone" being released. It would be an Apple-branded mobile phone that will most likely include iTunes music-playing capabilities. People are looking for proof of its non-Virgin birth happening in the next month or so (hmm, same time as the birth of Someone else...) in an article last month in Taiwan's financial newspaper, Commercial Times, that provided some evidence. Citing industry sources, the article said Taiwanese manufacturing powerhouse Hon Hai Precision Instruments received an order from Apple to make 12 million mobile handsets by early 2007. Slam dunk, badonk-a-donk.

Is this something that I need? Unquestionably. Especially if my phone will hold my music collection and will be able to be played through my car stereo. This is the kind of stuff that makes me wet my pants just a little.

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